
21st Century Learning: Overlapping, Non-Linear, Component Driven, Adaptive


Learning Challenges for Educators:

  • Online content is static and not editable
  • Lesson plans created by teachers live in their personal LMS login
  • No visibility in the lesson plan sequence that is being taught

Mekumi Solutions:

  • Dynamic Content
  • Editable lesson plans
  • Automatically sharable lesson plan sequence between teachers in the school district

Use your own courses or utilize Mekumi’s custom courseware offering. We work with the industry leaders in education to offer you courses for K-12 Learning, Vocational Training & Personal Growth segments.

teachers teaching

Mekumi revolutionizes education by automating best practices. Teachers are given vetted, tested courseware. This is what makes our platform a true “plug and play” application. Preloaded courses come with 21st century tagging of all lessons, as well as a Master Question Bank that teachers use to generate assessments.

Deliver Innovative Content That is Personalized in Real-Time

What sets our courseware apart from other learning management tools out there?

The Mekumi platform can recognize the most effective teaching in a particular school, training centre or learning partner. Once Mekumi captures the lessons working best for your community, administrators can design lessons to integrate best practices in real time. Educators are inspired by the ability to always improve and truly deliver the most effective curricula to their students.Mekumi solutions were specifically developed to address the complex teaching and learning requirements. The courses that do exist do not have the right mix of practical and theoretical concepts. 

Even when they do, it is difficult to have consistency in teaching across teachers/classes/students with the classroom tools of today. Measurement of student performance in such blended / immersive courses is challenging. Development and Measurement of soft skills is almost non-existent. Connecting students and teachers to industry mentors and partners is adhoc. Our platform addresses each of these issues, making the deployment of programs a satisfying experience for educators instead of a headache.


Hundreds of courses for K-12, Professional and Vocational Training

Our innovative AR/VR/XR training content creation and delivery system removes the need for expensive capital equipment for training and thereby removes the capacity barrier, while delivering a deeper learning. Mekumi has developed a new system for vocational training that resolves issues associated with in-person teaching sessions, one-off apprenticeships, printed manuals and minimal video work. Our system’s range of technologies include augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and extended reality (XR). This foundational system will be the basis for vocational training for next 50 years as it has built in capabilities to incorporate new technologies as they emerge.

Our courses help impart the following critical skills to students from all walks of life, at different stages of their learning journey:
  • Complex Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creativity
  • People Management
  • Co-ordinating with others
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Judgement & Decision Making
  • Service Orientation
  • Negotiation
  • Cognitive Flexibility
Comprehensive Open Learning Environment:
  • Connects To Existing Systems
  • Connects To New Education Solutions As They Come To Market
  • New Capabilities Can Be Added Without Replacing Whole System
  • Easily Upgradeable To The Latest Technologies
  • Web Analytics
  • 2D/3D/360/VR Player
  • Analytic Data Collection
  • Analytic Model Building
  • Virtual Environments
  • Student/Teacher/Admin UI-UX Does Not Change

Mastering Job Skills for Students

Lessons in the Mekumi LMS platform are tagged with 21st century skills markers. Students, teachers and administrators can view the progress of individual students, classrooms or schools by job skills markers. This reveals each student’s strengths and also what skills they should improve to be ready for the workforce.

Building Sustainable Industry Engagement for Students

The Mekumi learning management system provides teachers with the technology to invite background-checked industry mentors from the real world to dialogue with students. Mentors discuss specific careers in the context of lessons being taught in students’ onsite or virtual classrooms.

After an initial dialogue, mentors can continue to speak with students via chat. As both a safety precaution and to reinforce student learning, teachers are able to view all communications.

The Mekumi platform enables students to rate their industry mentors. This helps ensure that educators are inviting experts who resonate with students.

Increasing Student Engagement

When students understand the real-world applications of what they’re learning, they are more likely to persist in academic work and more likely to complete any certifications. They are also more likely to end up with jobs by the time they graduate, since they have the opportunity to establish relationships with people in their desired industry.

Creating Support for New Teachers

Schools spend $2.2 Billion recruiting and training new teachers. The high cost is due to extremely high turnover.

Mekumi reduces this expense to school systems by the best lesson plans in an easy-to-edit format to all new teachers.

Our Digital Learning Platform provides:
  • Teacher instructions for all lessons
  • Student instructions for all lessons
  • Worksheets
  • Digital projections
  • A discussion forum for student dialogue
  • Master Question Library
  • Auto-generated assessments

With the auto-sharing feature, teachers can view their colleagues’ lesson plan sequences in real-time. This provides the meaningful support that new teachers need. It also helps build a collaborative community among teachers in a school district who are teaching the same course.

Giving Educators the Recognition They Deserve

Mekumi automatically documents all iterations of each lesson plan, and then displays this data to administrators in real time. You’ll know which lesson plans are most effective, when you see them being copied over and over by other teachers. You can then incorporate the best edits into your courses. Mekumi commends teachers for the number of times their lesson plans are used by other teachers every week.

Unified Reporting for Each Role with Intuitive Interfaces

Everyone in your system is tied to the same database of information and you’ll receive standardized reports to give you the data you need to make better decisions for your district and students.

Let’s get started.

Reach out to tell us all about your needs, so that we can set you up with a free trial license for you, your team of teachers and students to experience teaching and learning at its best!
